Beans are sooo easy to grow! We have a variety of beans this year. I decided to branch out and see what works best. We planted bush beans (which grow to about 16-20 inches) and pole beans (they grow like vines and need to be supported on a trellis or pole).
The bush beans that we planted this year are called "Royal Burgundy" bush beans. They have green leaves, but the beans are purple. (Just wanted to try something different.) So far so good! We planted them about a week and half ago, and they are already a few inches high.
The pole beans that we planted in April (which are starting to flower) are "Kentucky Wonder" green beans. These seem to be very hardy and produce a lot of beans. We also planted "Fordhook" lima beans.
The kids brought home some "Red Kidney" bean plants from school. We decided to plant them all around a bean pole tee pee that we made. The kids loved building it and best of all they can play in it too :)
Bean Pole Tee pee:
Several bamboo branches
Tie together at the top with twine or rope
Plant the beans on the inside of the tee pee so the weed eater doesn't get to them :)
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