Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May - Tomatoes!!

I am so excited about my tomatoes this year! This is by far the best they have ever done. I decided to get the "Patio" tomatoes and put them in containers this year. I have only 3 plants, but i have 35 tomatoes! That's not counting all of the flowers that are on there that will turn into tomatoes too! :)

You need a large container for tomatoes. I used "Scott's" potting soil for all three. I have been trying to use more "natural" ways of fertilizing lately. I have been adding rinsed, crushed egg shells (which adds calcium) and used green tea bags (leaves) to the top of the soil around the plants. I just kind of scratch them into the top of the soil....it must be working!! :)

Oh, and don't forget to pinch off the "suckers". These are the little sprouts of leaves that pop up in between the main stem and main branches. Pinching these off will help the plant to become stronger and it will encourage the energy to go to the tomatoes.

The drawback of putting tomatoes in pots is they will require more water. I water them about every other day, but I'm sure as it gets hotter I will have to water them once a day.

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