Monday, February 21, 2011

It's almost time to get your beds ready!

It's time to take advantage of the beautiful weather and start getting your beds ready for your spring plants. If you're wanting to start a garden for the first time and need help, look back to my May of 2010's post. It should answer alot of your questions about starting from scratch. If not, I can try and answer any other question you might have =)
It's always a good idea to prepare your soil a little ahead of time to allow it to settle and rest for a few weeks before you plant your first spring veggies. If you need to add soil to your garden, I would recommend going to Charvet's. They have good rich "garden soil" at a great price...their small bags are $2.49 and the larger bags are $4.99.
Start by turning the top foot of your soil over with a shovel, and then add the bag of new garden soil. Work this in to mix with the soil that is already there. This will help the new plant roots to grow much faster. If you live on the Southshore like I do, consider yourself lucky! Our soil is so rich and doesn't need a whole lot of extra ammendments....makes gardening a little easier =)
Don't let the warm weather fool you!! It's still a little early to plant things like basil, eggplant, and bell peppers. They all are sensitive to cooler weather...wait a few more weeks before planting these veggies. If you are itching to plant something right now, you can probably get away with planting some tomatoes.
Until next time...hope you enjoy the gorgeous weather!!

Here are a few pictures of my winter garden. It's coming to an end, but still producing =)


Red Leaf Lettuce

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